In case of a fire break out, it can be identified with three basic components – Smoke, Heat and Flame. At Subham Enterprise, our Optical Smoke Detectors comprise one of the fundamental component of fire detection system. These smoke detectors are mostly used in residential, as well as commercial places like hotels, hospitals, shopping complexes etc. Our smoke alarms prevent lives and properties from devastating performances.
Our optical smoke alarms basically work on scatter light principle. The alarms are equipped with a pulsed Infra Red Light Emitting Diode (LED). The Infra Red LED, pulses a beam of light into the in-built sensor chamber, every ten seconds, to look for the smoke particles. Our smoke alarms are also equipped with an insect screen or barrier to prevent the entry of insects and bugs. This feature restricts the device from creating false alarms.
Whenever a fire breaks out, the smoke enters the optical chamber, and the smoke particles scatter the infra red light onto the photodiode light receptor. A signal is sent to the integrated circuit, once the photodiode light receptor is struck by the scattered light. This causes the alarm to sound and alert the occupant present in the premises. The optical technology, prevents the chance of false alarm from kitchen fumes.
Benefits of our Optical Smoke DetectorCopyright Subham Enterprise 2017. All Rights Reserved.